2023 Birth Statistics
Prattville Midwifery is proud to provide the latest statistics from the entire last year of our practice. We always aim to offer you transparent and accurate information about what we've experienced in our practice. Below you'll find updated statistics from the 2023 year.
If you have any questions or would like further information, please don't hesitate to contact us!
2023 Statistics
Due Dates
This indicates the total number of due dates for birth we monitored throughout the year.
First-Time Birthers
This indicates the number of birthers giving birth for the first time.
Began Labor at Home
This indicates the number of birthers who started their labor while at home.
Hospital Transfers During Labor that Resulted in C-Section
This indicates the number of birthers who transferred to the hospital while in labor and needed a C-Section.
This indicates the number of home births where a baby was born in the water.
Smallest & Biggest Baby
The smallest baby birthed weighed 6 pounds and 4 ounces. The biggest baby birthed weighed 10 pounds and thirteen ounces.